Rising Mercury


1 May '24

Hot. We know it is hot when it feels hot at night or even after it has just rained. I do not recall the weather being this hot in recent years. I guess we are now truly experiencing the effects of global warming, right in our door step. The extreme temperature / heatwave affecting Asia is caused by El Nino, which warms the ocean surface across the Pacific Ocean. The more extreme El Nino phenomenon triggered in recent years affects the global atmospheric circulation, bringing severe rainfall to some regions and droughts to others (Nat Geo, Oct 2023). "The current El Nino event began in mid- to late 2023, causing the ocean's temperature to rise, and its impact has already decimated farming in southern Africa, triggering crop shortfalls and rising commodity prices. At the same time, flooding in Kenya has affected 200,000 people and killed more than 100 people" (UN, Apr 2024).


At our homes, it is highly likely that we are using our air-conditioner more often to beat the heat, leading to increased use of electricity. Beside increasing our utility bill, will this exacerbate the situation 🤔? For one, perhaps it will encourage more people to work in office rather than at home 😃. A study conducted by NUS' Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine has found that extreme heat exposure was linked to an increased risk of low sperm count and productivity, which could cause a reduction in economic output (Today, Mar 2024).

I will leave the debate on our individual and collective actions to ourselves. I am not sure at which stage of global warming we are currently at, and whether we are currently at a point of no return. I guess scientists are scrambling to figure that out with the massive influx of data and nations are figuring out what can be done within their means to meaningfully impact the outcome. The Earth we leave behind will be inherited by future generations. Let's strive to ensure it remains a place they can enjoy and pass down to those who come after them.


Note: The four images used in this article were generated using Microsoft's AI image generator.